after my boy had a full sleep, he came over, and we headed to Marina Square for our lunch =p nothin seem to interest me at tt moment, cos feelings overtook my mind. i noe de nite was coming and my boy wld be leaving.
we took a slow walk to Pan Pacific Hotel, reminscing the day of our graduation nite held there. =)
some pictures we took:

trying hard to be happy..

rain started pouring. dear said "even god is sad that im leaving" :/ i dunno to smile or to cry. which to do? cos i myself was crying. =(
we drove to PS for short while. tinkin of finding CNY clothes, but both of us end up buying nothing. lol~
afterwhich, left to Suntec for a show - Family Stone. great show! simply love the whole story. =) dear, we'll watch more shows wen u come back alrite? *hugs*
silly me. had a sudden urge to did this. lol. my boy got this for me:

bah. simply love it to bits. its the colour i wan, and it perfectly matches my bag! hehe. *muack* i feel like a kid once again. *grin*
my boy said sth tt made me so happy, and i smiled and he "click". gosh~ close up somemore. geez. i like it tho. -i smiled from my heart-

left towards the airport ard 9+. waited for his parents to come b4 we headed to the departure area.
a pic we took at @ Mac b4 leaving:

my boy and his parents:

this pic is wif the extra me:

we'll stay thru thick and thin, holding hands even till we grow old.. *promise*

it was a tough parting. the hugs n kisses didnt do good. it jus made me cried more. =( the wait was long. the more we waited, the more my tears flowed. even his frens were teasing, saying its only a short journey, "like watching King Kong 3 hours only mah". =p
i got home ard 2. tryin to get to sleep, yet it was so tuff. my boy called me @ 6.46. glad he's there safely. thanks for calling my dear.
i woke up seeing tis email from him:

its short but it touched my heart. dun worry baby. i'll do wad i promise u. i wun be crying, and will study hard for my exams. =)
i just wanna say thank u for always being there for me. always coming down at all cost just to make sure im alrite. thank u for loving me so much.. i'll be there for u too =) this blog was created for us. the design and song totally signifies our love. im no IT expert, nevertheless hope u liked this bloggie. our first baby born in 2006 :) will see u very soon. love u, dearest. *hugs*
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